Category Archives for Homepage

Do you need to choose a doctor? Here's a list of questions to ask, and choices to make when selecting your pediatrician, family doctor or provider.

How to Choose a Doctor for Your Child

Selecting a health care provider is a personal choice. Choose a doctor you are confident will provide good care for your baby. Pediatricians are baby, child, and adolescent specialists, covering birth

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Many parts of Asia make a variation of a rice soup. In China it is called congee. Vegetables can be added, and it can be made into a thicker baby soup.

How to Start Congee Baby Soup (Recipe Included!)

Eating natural, fresh foods ensures that your child is getting flavor and nutrients at your table. Foods from the earth do not have to be expensive or time consuming. In Asia and other parts of the world,

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Injuries are the leading cause of death in babies, so put measures together to prevent them. Here's 13 Must-Know Babyproofing and Safety Tips.

13 Important Babyproofing & Safety Tips

Did you know that injuries are the leading cause of death among babies? Do your best to prevent them by closely supervising your baby and babyproofing your home. Babyproofing means to make your home as

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