Category Archives for Homepage

How to Detect and Prevent LEAD exposure

How to Detect and Prevent LEAD Exposure

I have a baby that crawls around and puts everything in his mouth. My parents are re-modeling their house. How do I prevent him from getting lead exposure and poisoning?       Lead poisoning

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Essay by Jordan Jaafar showing research evidence a teen is less likely to indulge in risky behavior if parents are involved in decision making.

Teen Essay – Teens Need Sufficient Adult Guidance

An essay written by Jordan Jaafar, Age 18, St. Mary's Hall, San Antonio, Texas, propels a parent's mind to reflect, and invites new behaviors. Jordan has penned a compelling argument for increased parental

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A beloved family pet can adjust to a new human family member. Follow these steps to ensure an easier transition for your pet and new baby.

New Baby and Family Pet? How to Transition Easier.

A beloved family pet waiting at home or brought into the home during your baby’s newborn period can lead to an exciting adventure for the new baby and the pet. If you already have a family pet, you can

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