Infant fastened with seat belt for safety purpose in car seat

Essential Car Seat Facts PLUS Resources!

Simply having a car seat in the car is not enough to keep your baby protected while using your vehicle. The car seat must also be installed correctly and be up-to-date according to safety standards. The

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Newborn baby with normal head molding.

Is Your Newborn’s Appearance Normal?

Do you have dreams of how your new baby will look and feel? Do you peruse magazines and online publications to find out exactly what to expect? It’s likely that your newborn’s appearance will be a

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Catching Snow Flakes with Tongue

Every Day is a Gift

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. Ralph Waldo Emerson These wise words from Mr. Emerson remind us that every day is a gift. The past doesn't matter, the present is unknown.

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